Test page titles

Our Mission – “Helping All People through the storms of life with the teachings and love of Jesus Christ.” Part of our mission in 2024 is launching the Ark Childcare.

Our Worldview – We find our identity first as men and women created in the image of God and loved deeply by God, yet we acknowledge God is our unseen Heavenly Father. We believe Gods’ love for us is recorded in the historical witness of the Bible written in the Middle East over a period of 1500 years by 40 different authors in three languages. The Bible, properly interpreted, is the basis of our worldview.


Jesus, speaking of himself, says to an older religious leader of his day, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus is referring to his future suffering and death on the cross. The Jewish law required at Passover animal sacrifices for the sins of the people.

The prophet Isaiah (Chapter 53) speaks of a coming Messiah who would become a substitute guilt offering to justify those who believe in him. We believe Jesus is the fulfillment of the Jewish Messiah. All world religions require human effort to get God’s approval or achieve a universal consciousness or level of karma. We get God’s approval from Jesus who saves us.

When someone genuinely believes Jesus as the sacrifice for their sin, the Holy Spirit comes inside and gives them a new hunger to love God and others. They are born again of God’s Spirit.  Our identity is not centered in the culture’s pursuit of hyper individualism, but as involved members in our local community and our Ark Church family.

We are affiliated with a national and international association of churches known as the Evangelical Free Church.  Our statement of faith is found here. Evangelical means we share the “good news” of God’s love with a hurting world.  “Free” means we are self-governing on the major operational decisions of our local church mission.

A young woman sat and studied the scriptures laid on a wooden table. The educational concept of the Christian Tripitaka that is open and praying to God Faith in the divine power of God. Bible study.

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