
Find Your Place (fit) on the Ark

Skeptics -If you have some doubts, but still interested in a safe place to build friendships and ask hard questions about the faith then Click here to set up coffee with a pastor or church leader.

Small Groups – Small groups are our primary focus for balanced spiritual growth of your mind, spirit, and community life and service.  Learn about our existing small groups or sign up to help start a new group here. 

Club 55 – If you are 55+ and looking to make this season the “encore” of your life, then this is a good fit for you.  This group meets monthly to plan out fun events, service projects, and to discuss various topics and books unique to this season of life. 

Serving during the Ark Worship Services

Musicians/Vocalists – If you have gifts and skills in music, this is probably where you fit.

Sound Tech – If you like to serve behind the scenes improving the sound quality, this is probably where you fit. (picture of sound techs)

Video Tech – If you like to serve behind the scenes with computers but also engage with worship and sermon, this is probably your fit.

Greeters – if you like to welcome regular attenders and new visitors with a warm smile and encouraging words, this is probably where you fit.

Ark Cafe’ – If you enjoy preparing drinks and food for others, then this is probably a fit for you. (picture of those serving in Café)

Ark Nursery - (newborn to 3 years old) If you enjoy babies and teaching little ones about God, then this is a good fit for you.

 “…and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.” Second Letter to Timothy 3:15

Ark Kids -(ages 4-10) If you like to worship with and teach younger children the stories of the Bible, this is a good fit for you.

“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” The Gospel of Matthew 19:14


Service Teams on the Ark

The tribe of Levi in the Jewish Scriptures were set apart and had people skilled at the maintenance and improvements in God’s facilities. In the New Testament men and women deacons were given these kinds of tasks.

Facilities and Landscaping Teams – If you are a man or woman who desires to keep our building in repair and good working order, then this is a good fit for you.

Security Team – If you are a man and woman who desires to help provide a safe place for our church services and activities, then this is a good fit for you.  Regular training is provided throughout the year with Protect the Faith.      

Administration/Communication Team – If you like to handle details for the calendar, bulletin, church emails, or larger projects where you are leading a team of volunteers and delegating tasks, then this is a good fit for you.

Social Media & Website Coordinator – If you would like to work with computers as a method for reaching a larger audience beyond the church and to help us present The Ark Church well on our website, then this is a good fit for you.

Join Our Community!